It's wonderful to have you on board
Here are some guidelines we have put together to help us to work together smoothly and respectfully:

Bring your own gloves and hat
Attending working bees and supporting the general needs of the garden. This involves weeding, mulching and watering if needed. A notice board in the garden indicates daily what needs to be done
We record our activities in the garden diary so volunteer hours are recorded and can be used to apply for grants (garden diary is in the round concrete shed)
We take all our rubbish home
Organic practices apply. We don't use any chemicals or pesticides.
Minimise water use by watering less frequently but slowly and prolonged, also mulching.
Look after our garden tools. Cleaning them and returning them back to the shed where we keep them.
We value the good will of our neighbours and we respect their privacy

Work safely and take reasonable care to protect your own health & safety
Report any breakages to a committee member
Wear sunscreen!
Follow guidelines on handling potting mix and compost. e.g. wear gloves and keep products most (to avoid breathing dust and particles when handling). Wash hands immediately after use
We encourage gardeners to ensure that their tetanus vaccinations are up to date
This is a great place for children but they need to be supervised and are at your responsibility
Our First Aid Kit is kept in the round concrete shed
Don't hesitate to call an ambulance on 111 if you think is necessary